Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A "get real" budget

There is a line from a movie that I really like and think about often. It is from the great movie "Shawshank Redemption". Anyway, there is a line that Morgan Freeman says (I think it was him) and it goes something like this- "get busy living or get busy dying". 

I used to lie awake late at night thinking about how I would make that next paycheck stretch out. I realized that no one was going to help me, except me!

When you get a chance, take a look at the discussion boards on Craigslist. There are several listings asking for financial help. Some need rent money, some wanted a short term loan and others just could not find work and needed some money to feed the kids. I was both fascinated and shocked.

Most of these folks obviously owned a computer and an internet connection along with a land line or cell phone. 

Internet connection- $40-$60 per month
Cell phone bill- $75-$100 per month

Those two monthly bills could save you about $120 per month or over $1200 per year. 

If you are like me, I constantly am turning off lights in our home. The wife, the kids and yes, even me leave them on without thinking. I am known as the utility bill cop at our house. I can honestly say that it saves us $100 per month turning off lights, making sure the facets are not leaking water and that we are not leaving the heater or AC on during the day, when no one is home.

How about cable television? Back in the day, I really thought I needed access to over 200 channels. I wanted my family and friends to be impressed that I could view Cricket matches from India or watch classic reruns of "The Adams Family" over and over again! 

My wife and I realized that we were only watching shows (and yes, sporting events) on a handful of channels. My monthly bill went from over $200 per month to less than $100.00. Still way too much money but I really am starting to like Cricket!

Anyway, you get my point. Instead of a gardener, go buy a used grass mower. Car pool to work once in a while. Put away those credit cards for a while! If you don't have the cash, don't buy it! And if buying lunch every day is something you do, start bringing left overs! I was spending $50-$70 a week on lunch. That is $200 a month! 

Anyway, I know it sounds easy to do and I don't blame people for doing what they have to do to get by. And as for those folks asking for a helping hand on Craigslist, let's feel fortunate that we don't have to do that...right now!


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