Loan Modification Assistance- Scams, Ripoffs...just plain sleaze!
You get home from work and go through the normal mountain of junk mail. Nothing really catches your eye except the one that claims to have a 99% customer satisfaction guarantee when it comes to helping distressed home owners get a loan modification from their mortgage company.
A 99% satisfaction guarantee! Wow! Whats the number? I mean this company can get a loan modification from the same mortgage company that turned me down for a mod?
If it were that easy, everyone would own a loan modification company. In short, don't believe a word of it. You don't need to pay someone hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to do what you can do yourself. These loan mod companies don't have a magic wand, a secret hotline to an internal partner and they most certainly should not be collecting any up front fees if they feel 99% sure that they can help you.
As I have said in previous post, you can do this! Remember, I don't offer legal advice and I certainly do not guarantee that my ideas will work for you.
I just want you to fight for what you believe in...your home, your family and in yourself.
Stay away from loan modification company's! Nuff said.
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